Taylor Marks


You can only describe Taylor Marks as a very curious person. She might even be on pair with Curious George. She has an interesting story to tell as well. A lot of people graduating from college feel lost, without any sense of purpose or clear goals. This is exactly the feeling that Taylor experienced when she graduated from Florida State University in 2019. Instead of laying low and just waiting for something to come her way, Taylor jumped on the saddle and tried it all. She went off to explore, and that led to her moving to New Zealand to work in construction and 13 other jobs along the way. Taylor created her podcast, Riseyear, to (1) help others figure out what they want to do, by listening to people who've been there, done that, but aren't on the cover of GQ. (2) Create a community of people who want something different and bigger for their lives, but don't quite know what that looks like. (3) Find out what she is capable of. By following Taylor’s journey on Yibber and listening to her podcast, you can be sure to find something that’s compelling to you, so don’t miss out on it!